Three Core Rules for Changing Your Style from Boy to Man


We all travel this earth on a different journey. Our friends change, our interests change, and sometimes we find ourselves at a crossroad where we are no longer happy with the way we are. We can get stuck in a rut and others move on and then it is time for us to catch up. As boys, the things we cared about were simpler. And we did not worry about our image. But as we become men, we start to realize the advantages of style and how we are perceived by those around us. At this point, some of us will rebel and say that is not for me. And some of us will see that beyond is a world of better things and they are available to those who learn the secrets of style. Then we learn how to dress like men.

  • Goodbye Graphic Tees: This may have been the staple item of your wardrobe since before you began to walk. But you must leave them now, or only wear them in the most unsophisticated situations. The graphic tee is the uniform of the unmotivated. You need to show exactly the opposite. If you are concerned about the cost of having nice shirts for every occasion, you don’t need as many as you might think, and you can hire a service like Mosman dry cleaners, to pick up and deliver, when you have wardrobe emergencies.
  • Good Jeans and Bad Jeans: All is not lost, the other staple of your childhood can come with you into manhood, but there needs to be some rules. Any jeans you wear now must appear to be new, and very expensive. Even if they are to be distressed, you better make sure that it looks like the work of an artist, and not 3 years of doing Ollies on your skateboard. No baggy jeans, ill-fitting jeans, and no stains ever.
  • Shoes: The great mystery of life that so many men fail to discover, is that the shoes make the man. No matter how ridiculous that might seem to you, people that matter, are going to judge you on your shoes. Your trainers are now only for extreme leisure. You are going to get yourself several pairs of suitable and fashionable shoes to make every occasion. Bring a girlfriend to the shop, you can’t do this on your own.

This of course is the most basic set of instructions. But with any luck you will be guided in these choices by someone with a sense of style and you will begin to glimpse the world above the clouds. Good luck.

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