Things That You Must Consider While Installing Commercial HVAC System


When you are going to install any commercial air conditioning system, then you have to consider a number of factors. Besides calculating the required load for commercial space, you also need to consider efficiency and proper airflow. Also, air duct design must be appropriately structured and rightly designed for your HVAC system.

Following are few of the important things that you must consider while installing HVAC for commercial properties.

  • How big is your building?

In order to meet comfort requirement within commercial buildings, you will need right size of equipment for preventing short cycling or energy waste. Consult any reliable HVAC contractor to carry out proper load calculation.

  • What kind of HVAC system your facility needs?

Do little research about commercial HVAC systems available that may vary from each other. You need to select the one which is best for the building as per its landscape.

  • Where is the location of your building?

Geographical location of your business will influence the performance of HVAC system. There will be different heating or cooling experiences due to its location and your system should be capable of handling all these effects efficiently.

  • How big/small your system should be?

Commercial HVAC system that you select should neither be very small nor very big for the space but must be of right size.

  • How efficient is your system?

While selecting any new commercial air conditioning or heating system your only choice should be high-efficiency HVAC systems.

  • What should be the cost?

Cost for the HVAC installation must be within company’s budget. Actually height or complexity of your system will determine final cost. About 85% of cost will be labor cost.

  • What indoor quality is needed?

For most businesses, air quality of indoor is very important factor while choosing any HVAC system. Paint fumes, cleaning chemicals and even allergens like dust can lead to diminished productivity or employee illness. Few other examples of air quality requirements include:

  • Special temperature maintenance
  • Special humidity maintenance
  • What size of ducts to be chosen?

Your duct size/shape will ensure minimum air friction loss. Usually rounded ductwork will have minimum air friction loss. Any ductwork which is directly routed too can contribute to minimize loss of air friction.

  • What is the condition of duct?

Before you install your new HVAC system, it is necessary to confirm that all your ductwork must be in good condition. Using aged or any inefficient ducts may leak almost 20% of your cooled air.

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